Meet Redeemer Day School
Our Mission
To provide a Christ-centered, teacher-directed, academically challenging school for Atlanta’s children while mentoring parents in Christ-centered child-rearing.
Why Redeemer?
While Redeemer Day School is a young school, established in 2014, we are founded on 65 years of experience in Christian education and hold true to our vision and four core values.
Click down on each core value to learn more about our vision.
Nurturing students in:
• Development of Christ-like character
• Love for the Lord by learning the Bible is Truth
• God’s character and how to model it
• How to pray
• Love and respect for others
• Displaying obedience
• Honesty and good manners -
• Structure provides safety and freedom in learning
• Respect is fostered through listening and obeying
• An organized classroom produces a joyful learning experience
• Teacher leaders produce student leaders -
We believe in stretching and growing our students by setting:
• High academic standards while meeting students where they are developmentally
• Age-appropriate teaching strategies
• Well-rounded, intentional curriculum that teaches to the level of mastery -
Redeemer’s desire is to equip our parents both practically and spiritually during their child's time at Redeemer Day School. We intentionally support and invest in our RDS parents as they raise their children, not in their own strength, but through the empowering of the Holy Spirit.
Our Director of Parent Mentoring, Jeannie Brostrand, along with our teachers, provide one-on-one mentoring, a Mom's Book Club, topical Coffee and Learns, and speaking events.
We hold true to the verse “train up a child in the way he should go” (Proverbs 22:6).

Deep Roots
Our Heiskell School Legacy
Redeemer Day School carries the standard of excellence and ideals established by Mrs. Miriam Heiskell of The Heiskell School, which operated in Atlanta from 1949-2014. Redeemer has grown out of the commitment of five Heiskell teachers to continue to serve the Lord as we educate young children. We hope you take a minute to learn about our beginning and the commitment to Christ-centered education that began many years ago!
The regular day is from 8:50 a.m. (morning drop-off) to 12:20 p.m. (afternoon pick-up).
Children entering the two-year-old program are required to be potty trained so that the time in the classroom can be spent on academics and other developmental activities, rather than diaper changing. We have found that most two-year-olds can be successfully potty trained. Families are encouraged to apply their child if they are committed to potty training prior to September of the year upon for which they would be entering. Please note that Redeemer Day School will accept children after the start of the school year once they are successfully potty trained, as long as space is available.
Yes, we require uniforms. We have found that students are ready to focus and start the “school day” when in uniform. Parents have shared that they appreciate the ease of uniforms, particularly in light of the busy mornings, and have also indicated that uniforms cost less than regular clothes.
Redeemer Day School will only be able to provide financial aid to families showing need who work full-time in Christian ministry and only if funds are available.
To provide a Christ-centered, teacher directed, academically challenging school for Atlanta’s children while mentoring parents in Christ-centered child rearing.
Redeemer Day School is an evangelical school, not a covenant school, that accepts children and families regardless of their religious affiliation. Nonetheless, we are a Christ-centered school, which integrates Christ and the teachings of the Bible throughout our day-to-day activities.
In the spring of 2014, several preschool teachers from The Heiskell School (which closed in May 2014 after 65 years) and a small group of parents explored the idea of growing a new preschool with a Christ-centered, academically challenging, teacher-directed program. This group, through a process of prayer and extensive research, decided to form Redeemer Day School.
During the group’s search for a location, it was discovered that a group of men at The Church of The Apostles had been praying for a preschool to form at their church — a preschool that is established and grounded in the Lord’s Word. Through discussions it was found that locating the preschool at The Church of The Apostles would be mutually beneficial. Redeemer Day School has been so blessed by our Lord during this journey!
A child may begin after the start of the school year if space is available in the class. Since we are an academic preschool, children who are applying for Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten will need to complete an observation before determining placement to be sure they can successfully integrate into the class for which they are applying.
Every interested family must complete the admissions process, which includes a parent interview. Likewise, the child must meet the developmental and/or academic milestones required for the class. For example, each child admitted to the Busy Bees class (our 2-year-old program) must be potty trained on the first day of class. For our Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten classes, students must complete an observation session prior to acceptance. The observation ensures that we place a student in a class where he or she can be successful.
Redeemer Day School is likely not a good fit for a child with a severe learning and/or developmental disability. The academic pace and rigor at Redeemer Day School is high, and we want children to have a good preschool experience, where they can be successful in the classroom and alongside their peers. If you have a question about your child, please contact the school directly to discuss.
School supplies (i.e., book bag, crayons, pencils, paper, workbooks, etc.) are provided by Redeemer Day School and included in the cost of tuition. During the first week of school, each family will need to provide (for each child in attendance) an “emergency kit”. The “emergency kit” includes supplies your child will need if, for some reason, your child is unable to be picked up from school (e.g., inclement weather). More information on the emergency kit and classroom supplies will be shared with parents before the start of the school year.
Note that for younger children (2s and 3s), it is a good idea to keep a change of clothing in their school bag in case of an accident. These can be play clothes rather than an extra uniform.
At Redeemer Day School, we welcome parent involvement. For busy parents, we have the opportunity for you to contribute through occasional classroom parties and/or school events. Some opportunities are offered on weekends or evenings to accommodate working parents (i.e., our Spring Fling, parent-teacher fellowship, etc.). For parents that would like to be more involved, we have volunteer opportunities during the school day, both in the classroom as well as assisting in the administrative support duties of the school. As a core value, we believe in mentoring parents as they volunteer alongside us.
Our core values include being Christ-centered, providing our children with an academically challenging environment, having teacher led classrooms, and providing mentoring relationships to our families. More on our values, as well as our school verses, can be found in the letter from our Founding Director on the “How We Started” tab.