The Coming of Our Savior's Birth

As we turn our hearts toward Christmas, I am sure you are in full swing with either finding the correctly-sized evergreen tree or finding yours in storage and unveiling it to see if the lights still work! Whichever the case, making memories with your children around the fireplace or fire pit with hot chocolate and a good Christmas book might be the launch of your advent season! If your family of origin instituted traditions, then carry those forward – at least the ones that seem to fit your family. And, begin a few of your own, like the Adorenament tree, (– 12 names of Christmas), or the Bible Advent calendar, Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Calendar. Please see your responses below!Speaking of traditions, when I was growing up, we had a tree farm on our property. Families would load their children in their station wagons (I know…) and head to our tree farm. My brother and I (12 and 10) would ‘work’ the business. I recall three significant things: (1) having a huge wad of cash in my bib overalls, (2) during slow times, rolling down the hill in a big cardboard box, gathering snow on the outside of the box as I rolled, (3) trekking through the rows of trees with families (it was always a family affair!) to help them find the perfectly sized tree to cut down and load on top of their car. We carried the saw, but the man of the house had to be willing to cut the tree!  The going price:  $2.50 – 3.50.I could just picture them getting the tree placed in its tree stand and decorating it as they built a fire in the fireplace and unpacked decorations and lights! I once read a story about someone who only wanted silver and crystal ornaments adorning the family tree. Every year, her children would bring home homemade ornaments from school. Much to their dismay, those ornaments never made it on the tree. They just didn’t fit. Years later, this dear lady would have given anything to have traded those exquisite ornaments for the memories of her children’s handmade ones. Perspective is an amazing thing. Lord, give us perspective to make good choices today; help us, Lord, to make even wiser choices in light of eternity, so that we might fit into our lives that which is pleasing unto You.Enjoy this advent season with your family as you keep Christ at the center of your Christmas! We appreciate those of you who shared your family traditions with us on Instagram. Thank you!Advent resources - The Summation of Your Ideas from our Instagram Survey:Advent Truth Tree OrnamentsCome, Let us Adore Him   By Paul David TrippCrew and Co Advent Cards Jesse Tree Ornaments and Devotional- You can make your own ornaments, buy them on Etsy or get a group of friends together to make them and have the job go quicker. We wrap our ornaments as gifts and take turns unwrapping one each day, read the devotional, sing, and pray.Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Packet & SoundtrackUnwrapping the Greatest Gift Family Devotional by Ann VoskampWe wrap 25 Christmas books and unwrap one every night in December leading up to Christmas Day.Jeannie shares more about one of her favorite Christmas traditions, Adorenaments:[embed][/embed]

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