Simplicity - I'll Take a Serving of That!

I must admit, I love the conveniences of living in the 21st century; however, I believe that our "time saving" devices have perpetuated the tyranny of a complex and choice-laden lifestyle, an abundance of gadgets and stuff, and have robbed us of the essence of an abundant life that Jesus speaks of in John 10:10. Our "time saving" technologies have actually not saved us time at all.  Having no "off" button has robbed us of our peace of mind and a gentler, kinder pace of life.  Are you ready to say “no” to the many things, so that you can say “yes” to the dress - oops, I mean to the best?!  One hears all the time about becoming a minimalist. I love that concept, so I want to challenge us to become minimalists in our lifestyle choices.  One thing that is catching my attention while reading The Shaping of a Christian Family by Elisabeth Elliot is how “the simplicity of her parents’ daily routines and the orderliness of their home captivated her heart and pointed her to Christ.” You might give push back here and offer the fact that she was reared in the first half of the 20th century, and you would be right. In many ways, life was much simpler then and parenting was, in many ways, more streamlined and less mentally consuming.  However, God has placed you and your family in His world during this era, and He WILL equip you to face your 21st century challenges with a pace that reflects His goodness, graciousness, and faithfulness.  Can you trust Him if this is your heart’s desire? I believe, no, I KNOW you can.Where do we find a serving of this simplicity as we are faced with a plethora of choices?  I believe it’s found in prioritizing. Reflecting back over her upbringing, Elisabeth noted that her parents loved God; trusted in His providence; obeyed His Word no matter how that obedience might have changed the course of their lives. Simply put: Elizabeth’s parents lived what they taught.  She stated, “Our parents understood very clearly that the principles they taught their children would have meager effect if they were not strongly fortified by the pattern of their own lives.” Simplicity, humility, integrity were markers of a consecrated life (John 17:19).  Family devotional time was in the living room: simply Bible reading, hymn singing, prayer - not long and drawn out.   Are you proactively parenting and offering yourself a serving of simplicity as you make lifestyle choices for yourself and your children?

A Second Helping of Simplicity


Does My Worldview Inform My Parenting?