School Choice. Why Is It So Important?

This subject is near and dear to my heart. Why? This has been my life’s work: children and education in some form or fashion for over 30 years.  With each passing day, the fight for the minds of our precious children is becoming more startling. I am not talking about educating little minds; rather, I am talking about something much more profound: capturing minds and filling them with an agenda. I’ll never forget the first time I heard of public schools referred to as “government schools.”  I am going to share some thoughts to get you thinking about your choices when your kindergartener graduates from RDS.As parents, you are charged with educating (home schooling) or seeking others (private or public) to educate those precious lives whom God has entrusted into your care. To say that the choice is a crucial one is well…crucial. Do you know what is being taught in your local elementary, middle, and high schools? If your decision is to provide your children with a public school education, you must know. Are the values, attitudes, and beliefs that you are teaching at home also being taught and reinforced at your school? What “noble causes” are being taught and more importantly, what academic content is being derailed? Are you familiar with social-emotional learning (SEL) and Critical Theory (CT)?   SEL is discussed under the guise of educating the “whole child.” CT requires a much more in depth discussion than I can adequately give here. Moving on - is non-revisionist history, patriotism, and factual math being taught? What curricula are used in the classroom and can you access textbooks online to purview or are you able to borrow hard copies? How does the school handle the topic of sexual identity? Likewise, make sure you are inquiring of private schools regarding their stance on the important cultural issues of our day.I was educated in the public school arena; my teachers were, for the most part, Christians and read from Bibles located on their desks. We chose Christ-centered schools for our two children. Since the 60’s, when it was declared that prayer and Bibles were to be taken out of the government schools, our public school system has declined. In We Will Not Be Silenced by Edwin Lutzer, copyrighted 2020, he writes, “We are failing to pass our faith on to the next generation because they are captives to the culture, social media, their peers, and the indoctrination of public schools.”  Additionally he states, “The cell phone in teenagers’ hands is doing more to shape their worldview than one hour of Sunday school or the admonitions of their parents.” As good as it is, one hour of Sunday school and church will not be enough to stem the tide of what is facing our youngest generation. This is a clarion call to biblical worldview thinking and living, dear parents. More importantly, it is a call to think critically and “Christianly”, reject a humanistic/non-biblical worldview, and to set your heart and mind on this: “There is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we may be saved” (Acts 4:12). The Gospel is enough, and It addresses every sin that this culture dresses up and presents as social issues of the day.  As new creations in Christ, may your homes be havens of refuge from cultural influences and your children be blessed with parents who model a bold faith in Christ!When choosing schools, I realize there are option limitations for many families. My objective is NOT to burden you with MY convictions; rather, to encourage you to become well informed. Start early, when your child is in the 2’s or 3’s class. Prioritize what is most important about your lifestyle. Don’t omit the option without investigating actual tuition cost. Some private schools have a sliding scale of tuition; some offer financial aid.  Above all, pray for direction and be thorough in your process.  Years ago, I knew an Atlanta family that moved to Montana. The reason: education for their children and a simplistic lifestyle. The father was a writer so it was possible for them; however, not an option for most. In fact, you might say they were fleeing from culture. So, how do we live in the secular society of our day and still honor the Lord with our behavior and choices? I believe part of our answer lies in seeing our culture through the lens of scriptural Truth and acting thusly. Not an easy task. We will continue our discussion of what it means to have a Biblical worldview in our next Evening of Encouragement on Zoom, Tuesday, March 30th, at 8:00 pm. Join us if you are able!After your decision for Christ as Savior and your spousal choice, I believe the educational path you decide for your children is the next most important step. On the other hand, I want to be careful not to minimize the impact that your daily testimony of incarnational faith can have on your family.  Dear parents, God has called us to these times, and as we walk by faith, He will equip us to equip our children.[embed][/embed]


Fret Not; Trust.


Blessings of Church Attendance by Nancy Messner