Parenting by Faith in Jesus, Not by Fear Book Club Information

I am looking forward with great anticipation to our upcoming book study. We begin September 22nd, immediately after drop-off (9 am), in the Preschool chapel. This should give you ample time to order the book from Amazon or from another distributor such as  Our book selection is entitled The Gospel-Centered Parent, by Rose Marie Miller, Deborah Harrell, and Jack Klumpenhower. The subtitle can either read Study Guide with Leader’s Notes or Participant’s Guide with Leader’s Notes. It’s the same book regardless of the subtitle. Hope that tidbit alleviates any confusion!I am very excited to be using this book and here’s why:  After reading several books this summer, asking the Lord for His direction, and after several unusual turn of events whereby I discovered this book, I believe we are in for a treat! I wanted something that would strengthen our faith in Holy God and deepen our love for Jesus. I wanted a book that would encourage us to look to Jesus, not only for our one-time salvation-decision, but that would encourage our daily dependence on Him for guidance and wisdom. I will share with you at our first session how God led me to this book!This book is different from many other parenting books. First of all, it is designed for a small group study with crafted discussion questions. Instead of focusing on how to perform better as a parent, this study is about being a parent who lives and walks out of faith in Jesus, the One who desires to equip us (Galatians 3:3)!  Living our faith is not as much about a technique (although we will look at some of that); rather, it is about trusting Jesus.  As we trust in the empowering of the Holy Spirit, we are able to rest from the pressure and anxiety that is so prevalent in our culture today. If you feel stressed-out, join other moms who want to make faith in Jesus and hope in the Gospel the core of their parenting. I am already praying for you as you make a commitment to join us!Since I want to ensure we have ample time for reflection and discussion, we will spend two weeks on each lesson. I don’t want us to be rushed. We can always adjust our schedule as we see the need.You have a choice for preparation:1. Come to the study having read the lesson and having written out the answers to the questions in your book, or simply read and reflect on them. By doing this, I believe you will glean the most out of our time together.2. Come to the study without pre-reading the lesson. We will be reading much of it in class. If you don’t have your reflection answers written in your book, you may still participate in the discussion. Discussion is voluntary; you will not be called on.I want you to come regardless of your prep and allow the Holy Spirit to teach you through our reading of Scripture, discussion, and prayer time. Sit with other moms and allow the grace of the Gospel to renew and refresh you! Prior to coming, please read pages 1 & 2 to understand our study format. Pages 3-7 give excellent clarity on the Gospel and remind us of four major blessings related to parenting!  Bring your Bible and your book to each session. Work-out clothes are fine; we are a very casual group!09-22-2021   Introduction & Overview. Lesson 1 – Trusting God to Build Your FamilyBig Idea, Bible Conversation, Article, Discussion09-29-2021   Finish Lesson 1 - Am I a Gospel-Centered Parent?Finish DiscussionWrap-Up and Prayer

Children Love Repetition and Routine!


Faith, Facts, Feelings