Jesus is The Prince of Peace

One of my favorite Christmas-time memories as a child on our farm in northern Indiana was going ice skating. God provided the rink; let me explain. Across the road from our home was a corn field. After the fall harvest, the field was in perfect condition to capture the snow and freezing rain. The terrain sunk down just enough in one strategic area to allow for the ice rink to form. This patch of frozen tundra provided a large-sized rink as God provided the weather for us and our friends to have hours of enjoyment. Lacing up my white skates while donning a scarf, hat, gloves and jacket was pure delight. My mom was only too happy to thaw out our frozen fingers with steaming cups of hot chocolate, and our growling tummies were only too happy to oblige her tasty snacks!I know you have memories of your own childhood days during this advent season!  It is not so much about how grandiose the activities are as much as how they provide you with a warmth of nostalgia as you look back on your own childhood. I know you will be making memories with your own children during this beautiful time of the year. Within driving distance there are so many wonderful venues and activities to enjoy with your family!  And inside your home there are many, memory-making ideas just waiting to be tapped! The temptation to not miss a thing can keep the hamster wheel churning at full speed. Remember, we said we were hopping off, right?!One way to hop off is to consider a several day or week-long fast from social media. That’s right. Is the tendency to compare your life, your Christmas tree, your pre-Christmas experiences with others causing you an ungrateful heart? Is it causing discontentment with the life God has gifted you? These are tough questions, but I believe we need to wrestle with them, be honest with God, and go to him in confession and prayer. Enjoy the season and your traditions, but resist overdoing it. Your children will remember the simple things: your delight and joy in reading books to them while sipping hot chocolate, for example - (the chocolate caffeine will keep them awake so timing is important!). How about popping popcorn and stringing corn and cranberries for a festive touch on your tree?  You use the needle while allowing your children to hand you the corn and cranberries. A rested mama (if there is such a thing) is the perfect gift to give your entire family! I can see you rolling your eyes; however, I do believe it is possible, but only by praying for guidance and asking with humility that the Lord shows you the way. Seek Him (wise men still do!) to guide and direct your holiday plans. And how about asking for the gift of time, if that’s a possibility for your family dynamic? Pride can often get in the way of us asking for help.During this season more than ever, it takes effort to quiet our hearts, to “be still and know that He is Emmanuel, God with us,” and to reflect on our most indescribable Gift – the Prince of Peace, Jesus the Christ. I have a snow globe that plays “Joy to the World” and during this advent season, I want to set my heart to joyfulness and peace. As it states in Isaiah 9:6, “For unto us a child is born, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, the Prince of Peace.”  Now THAT is reason to be joyful!


Jesus is More Than a Baby in a Manger


Invite Jesus into Your Pre-Christmas Plans