Do A Work in my Heart First, Lord, Before You Work in my Child’s Heart

As we look to 2023, have you thought about how your relationship with God through Jesus might be
different this year? How other relationships might be different…and better? I have invited the Lord to
“Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there is any hurtful way in me and lead me in the everlasting way” (Psalm 139:23-24).

It is so easy to pinpoint faults in others, isn’t it? This is especially true of our children. When looking back at raising our young children, I realized that, at times, I parented from a posture of treating them as adults in children’s bodies. In other words, I required unrealistic expectations. Correcting them once, I thought, and they should have it! Consciously, I did not really think that, but I defaulted to that mindset without even realizing it. I wonder if you ever do that?

Let us pull back the curtain of our own hearts and look at how Jesus parents us. Without being with you 24/7, I will tell you how He does. He is long-suffering with our mistakes. He is patient and kind when our immaturity gets the best of us. He is forgiving of us…70 x 7? No, more than that! He understands our heartache and is familiar with our sorrows and disappointments. He understands our sacrifice as a mother or father (remember, He gave His life). He knows the pain of having beloved ‘children’ abandon us or show disloyalty. He knows that our obedience to spiritual truths of Christian faith will lead to controversy and alienation. He is in step with broken promises made to us; it is heart-breaking as He also experienced broken words of promise. He is acquainted with attitudes and beliefs that are different from current culture; He knows it is difficult to stand firm. He understands the struggle we face with spiritual forces that come against us. He, too, was tempted. He is familiar with our desire and struggle to rear children in a society that is antithetical to biblical living. Jesus knows; and He cares.

As we look expectantly to this new year, may we align our thinking to the One Who is for us and not
against us. Scripture tells us that Greater is He who is in us, than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4). May we dig into His Holy Word to set our minds on things above. May we pray for wisdom, discernment, and humility as we walk in a world that is broken because people are broken. May we look upon others, especially our children, with understanding, compassion, kindness, and long-suffering (rather than with critical spirits) so that we might be instruments in our Father’s hand to bring about revival in our families, communities, churches, and areas of influence. I long to be a branch that abides in the Vine; even if it means I need to go through more pruning (John 15:5). How about you? May we pray that the Holy Spirit works in our hearts first and then in the hearts of others - especially our precious children.


If you would like to reach out to Jeannie, you may email her at


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