You are God's Ambassador

Recently, one of my friend’s became a first-time grandmother. Looking at the adorable baby photo, it is hard to imagine that precious infant has a heart bent toward sin. But she does. That is the truth of God’s Word. We are ALL born IN Adam, IN sin. The expression of that sinful nature is the desire for a child to do things his or her way; to be the "boss of me". When we know this, it gives us understanding of a child’s desire to disobey. It gives us understanding, indeed; however, it does not excuse it.  Enter parents who know the importance of the obedience trifecta: (1) obey right away, (2) all the way, (3) in a happy way. This trifecta is not original with me, but I can’t recall to whom I may give the credit.God has given you authority to instruct your child in obedience, to point your child to his or her need for a Savior Who is the Answer to the sin nature at birth. Paul David Tripp calls it ambassadorial authority; it is given to parents from God. In the 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary, it is spelled embassador (with an e) and means, "representing the power and dignity of The Sovereign". Pause and let that sink in. Ambassadors are representatives of another; in your case, you are God’s representative until such time when your child answers directly to God. Let that soak into your heart and mind. For some, perhaps this is profound.There is no greater work than consistently loving, training, disciplining, teaching, trusting God, and praying for your children. It is behind-the-scenes work, known only to your heavenly Father. There is no paycheck; there is no crowd cheering you on; the hours are long; sleep is interrupted and sometimes elusive; it is seven days a week with a hundred interruptions; it is sacrificial, and it can be lonely work. It exposes the worst of our flesh and shows us our ineptness apart from Christ (which is a good thing)! If there were an ad in the paper for the duties of parenthood, I wonder how many would apply. But that’s just it- motherhood or fatherhood is SO much more than a checklist of duties or a job description. Children are a blessing and a gift from God! You would lay down your life for this child, and throughout the rearing process, there are and will be many times when you feel like you do!Ephesians 6:1-4 says, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother that it may go well with you (child) and that you (child) may live a long life. Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” Your authority must not be exercised in an angry way. Your child’s disobedience should not control your emotions. You are God’s ambassadors to represent God’s unconditional love and character. Teaching your child that God has given you this task until such time when your child is accountable solely to God is an important concept, and one that should be explained to children.How do you see God as your authority, dear parent? Is there someone at work, perhaps your boss, whom God is using to mold you into more of Christ-likeness? Ouch! In your heart, are you rebelling against this? Can you receive this situation from the sovereign hand of God (like it or not) just as you are teaching your child to receive your discipline for his or her good? This is a process, certainly.How does God use parenthood as a means for refining our walk of faith?  That will be part 2, next week.[embed][/embed]

God is the Potter: Mothers and Fathers Are the Clay


The Shaping of a Christian Family: How My Parents Nurtured My Faith by Elisabeth Elliot: Second Semester Book Study Introduction and Schedule