How Does God Use Unscripted Moments to Bless You and Others?

I enjoy reading biographies about men and women of faith, especially those who lived a century or more ago; however, this autobiography is unlike anything I have read previously. It's entitled UnScripted: The Unpredictable Moments That Make Life Extraordinary by Ernie Johnson, Jr. You may know that name as one of the most recognized voices in sports broadcasting, hosting TNT’s Inside the NBA. Nonetheless, this book is a heartwarming look into his life from behind the camera, including how he came to faith in Jesus, in his early 40’s.While most of us will never have the platform like this man has had, God has placed you in your profession; in your sphere of influence where you can make a difference. Perhaps you are in business, influencing the marketplace for Christ. Perhaps you are in the middle of diapers and everyday duties of parenting young children. Regardless, I believe this book is one to be enjoyed!Why read the book?  Because, this author is a person with whom we can all relate on some level. Are you a sports fan, a cancer survivor, a parent, a parent of a special needs’ or adoptive child; a person who loves to hear how the grace of God is sufficient in the life of a Christian when everything seems to go dark; or are you a Dad who is having an identity crisis because your worth is tied to a career that is no longer meeting needs. Johnson’s desire is that this book will speak to you on some level right where you live – whether in the area of parenting or faith, heartbreak or triumph; ultimately, desiring for this book to honor his heavenly Father. I like that, don’t you?This book reminded me that some of the most precious moments in life are those we do not plan; those that the Lord brings into our lives by divine appointment, those blackberry moments as the author calls them. It made me look at the little things in my life as opportunities for a big God to work in a big way, for His eternal purposes! Only God can take the simplest act or most devastating news and turn it into something great for our good and His Kingdom. We just need eyes to see; ears to hear; and hearts to be receptive. We need to be present; not distracted by the busyness of life, or by a self-absorbed mindset. And trust (period).Let me ask you. How many opportunities does God give you during your day to invest in some small way in another’s life? You might say: I’m a stay-at-home mom – great! You are investing yourself moment by moment into an eternal being. Or, you might say, I work in finance or in sales, or own my business – great! How many times a day do you have the opportunity to bless another by your words of kindness or encouragement? How many opportunities does God give you to bless someone through prayer? Everything we do has the potential to touch God’s throne room as we walk in obedience by faith. Johnson’s story will highlight the beauty of unscripted moments in your own life and point you to the Author of those. After reading the book, I listened to the broadcaster being interviewed by Jim Daly on Focus on the Family. If you can’t read the book, listen to the podcast. Dads, this book is especially for you! I guarantee it will make you double over with laughter, which is hands-down, good medicine. And couldn’t we all use a little more laughter in our life?


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