I Wonder… Could Family Worship Be a Catalyst for Revival in our Land?

Thank you to those of you who responded to our questionnaire on Family Worship.  I enjoyed reading the responses and was curious about a book mentioned: Family Worship, written by Donald S. Whitney. It is only 88 pages and would serve as an encouraging read for Dads who have not begun instituting family worship time. I recommend it.
The author suggests three elements to your worship time as a family:
  1. Read (the Bible or Bible Storybook)
  2. Pray
  3. Sing – hymns or spiritual songs of praise and worship (get a hymnal from your church, or order one online).
The author also gives the suggestion to start even if you don’t feel well-prepared: “be brief, be flexible, but be consistent.” Trust the Holy Spirit to guide you. Is there a better way to begin 2022 than to lead your family in worship of the Creator and Sustainer of your very life?! What an eternal ROI of your time!
When we were raising our family in a solid Bible-teaching church, we never heard the mention of family worship. I wonder if your home church speaks to this discipline, and if so, does the ministry come along side with encouragement and suggestions, “for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:11-12) As part of RDS’s mission statement as a Christ-centered school, we desire to assist you in this area as you rear your family in Christian faith.
If you are a single parent, then you too can lead in family worship.
I look forward to spending time at our Lunch and Learn next Wednesday, January 26, 2022, and hear how some of our dads lead their families in family worship. I hope you can join us!

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