Be in the World, but Not of the World

Last week my writing referenced Ephesians 6:10-17, which spoke of preparing for spiritual battle by
putting on our armor. James 3: 14-15 tells us that bitter jealousy and selfish ambition do not come down from above, but are earthly, natural, and demonic. There is our trifecta battle: the world (earthly), the flesh (affections and desires that run contrary to God), and the devil.

Ephesians 2:1-2 tells us that once we were dead in our sins, we walked according to the ‘course of this world.’ So, prior to salvation, we had no other choice but to walk according to the ways of the world. But once saved, we have the power of the Holy Spirit enabling us to choose God’s way vs the world’s way. As Christians, we can be tempted by the world’s ways.

Every single day we are bombarded by the culture, current trends, social media, and a myriad of temptations because it’s what everyone is doing, seemingly. The world is a system of values that when we allow ourselves to be pulled into those beliefs, we can desire these things more than we desire to please God. How are you and I adapting to the world’s ways instead of choosing to stay true to God’s Word? True doctrine is not a matter of our words alone, but of a life lived for Christ. What are we reading? Who are our closest friends?

Basically, as believers, we are swimming upstream against the current of our present-day culture. This was depicted for me when my husband and I were watching episodes of “The Chosen.” As each session begins, music is played and a visual is projected on the screen - a visual of fish all swimming in one direction. Then, suddenly, one fish turns and swims upstream, then another and another. What a beautiful picture of the Christian life! We are swimming against the tide of the culture!

One cannot turn on the news or read from a well-known newspaper without being bombarded with the world’s system of beliefs, values, fears, and false narratives. How are you arming yourself with facts instead of lies? And what apps are on our phone? Do you get weather alerts and news flashes? Do you struggle with FOMO, so you succumb to reading everything that pops up? What are you setting your mind on? Colossians 3:2 tells us to set our minds on things above; transformation begins in our minds.

So, what does this have to do with parenting? Everything. You are modeling every day by how you spend your time, your money, and by your words and deeds. As Christians, we are swimming upstream, and the culture is more toxic now than ever. The cultural gravity (the world) is constant and prolific, pulling us downward into the language, customs, and culture of our temporary home.

As you model your lifestyle, do your children see you walking by faith and trusting Jesus? Do they see you reading off your phone more than reading your Bible? Rather than being critical of how someone else ‘does life’ do you simply say to your child, “Our family does X, Y, and Z differently.” And if appropriate, explain why. We live according to our beliefs and most of us have a syncretistic
worldview – a worldview that is mixed; at least that is what the Barna group has found to be the case.

Over time, a worldview is formed in the mind of children and influences matter! Influence comes from parents, grandparents, teachers, Sunday School/church, the educational system, friends, experiences,media, books, and so forth. Stay in the Word to rightly divide the world’s ways. Seek guidance if unsure.

How are you being intentional as a parent as you make choices that will influence your children?
Deuteronomy 6:7-9 is an excellent place to start. And keep in mind, “Greater is He Who is in us, than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). We will encounter skirmishes; but we have already won the war!

If you would like to reach out to Jeannie, you may email her at


Framing Your Summer – Part 1


Spiritual Warfare and Your Family