Spiritual Warfare and Your Family

Scripture is clear that we’re in a fight – a spiritual fight against the world, the flesh, and the devil. How many times do we wrestle against flesh and blood instead of realizing we are spiritual beings wrestling with principalities and powers of darkness – those enemy forces that can wreak havoc, offer up temptation, and sow seeds of discord, while perpetrating lies. Satan is the father of lies.

Scripture tells us to submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee (James 4:7). Remember that we have the armor of God to stand against the devil. Ephesians 6:10-18 gives us the list of our armor and Ephesians 6: 18-19 gives us the purpose for being armored: so that we can pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. I believe Satan’s number one tactic is to get believers’ eyes off Jesus and onto ourselves, blaming others, instead of being about our Father’s business – loving God and loving others (Matthew 22: 37-39).

Be mindful of the spiritual battle, pray on the armor from the head down (a good way to remember it):

  • With the helmet of salvation, thanking God for our salvation allowing me to come to you in Jesus’ name. Declare that we have the mind of Christ. (1 Cor. 2:16)

  • The breastplate of righteousness – Jesus gives us right standing in God’s eyes because we are ‘in Christ’ and the blood of Jesus covers and keeps our hearts. As difficult things arise, we can resist the temptation to sin.

  • Our protective girdle is the belt of truth as our identity in Christ – we are supernaturally empowered by God’s indwelling Spirit and can reject the enemy’s lies.

  • Our sandals of the gospel of peace help us to stand firm and be steadfast in our battles. Christ is our peace with God and others. Are we at peace with those in our lives? Is my forgiveness up to date? (Eph. 2:14, Phil. 4:13)

  • The shield of faith is a safeguard against anything the enemy can throw our way having confidence in Christ, His Word, and His provision for our daily manna.

  • Finally, we take up the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God so that we can combat the evil one’s lies with the truth and promises of Scripture. Read the Word; know the Word.

    Have you heard these lies: “God cannot be trusted.” “He is withholding good from you.” “You are alone.” “What makes you think you can parent well?” “You will never measure up.”

    Precious parent, these are lies from the enemy who is roaring around like a lion and wants to render you defeated and steal your joy. But he is a defeated foe! Jesus has already won; we just need to enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise declaring victory, praying in the Spirit on all occasions, protecting ourselves with the armor so that we can take our stand against the devil’s schemes.

    God has told us that our battle is with forces of evil in the spiritual realm, and it is real. We have an enemy that is out to destroy our relationships, our American way of life, our families, our school systems, our churches, our homes, and so forth. Here’s the good news from 1 John 4:4– “Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.” That means that God has placed the Holy Spirit in you, if you are a Christian, and that same power raised Jesus from the grave. When nothing else comes to mind, speak the name of Jesus aloud. Jesus is for you, your spouse, and your children! He is your God, Jehovah-Nissi, the Lord, your banner (2 Cor. 2:14)!

    What about the world and the flesh? Stay tuned for next week’s post.



Be in the World, but Not of the World

