Let’s Simplify
As I sit before the Lord and ask Him what I might say to you, I feel compelled to urge you to become a Mary in a Martha world. Are you convicted when you read from Luke 10:41-42 which says, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part which shall not be taken away from her.” I will confess, I am more inclined to be a Martha than a Mary. There is no finger pointing here! I’m trying for a 70/30 ratio.
As we launch into a new school year, there will be many opportunities to engage in a plethora of activities. How are you going to prioritize your days and your time? Perhaps you work away from home so in addition to motherhood, you have other responsibilities. Or, now that your children are in school, you might have more free time along with opportunities to engage and volunteer. May I encourage you to ask the Lord to show you how to spend your time – whether it is 10 extra minutes a day or two hours. Time is like money. Once we spend it doing this or that, it’s gone.
Let’s start by being extremely intentional. Do you grab for your phone immediately upon waking? Do you stay up too late watching tv or scrolling and therefore forgo a good night’s sleep? Do you set a rhythm to your morning, your afternoon, and evening? Do you discuss with your husband on Sunday evenings what your week will entail and how he can provide you with support, if necessary? Do you inquire of him about his need for your support?
I know what you’re up against: great podcasts to listen to, duties at school and church, social media, texting, staying abreast of the latest in decorating and fashion, infant’s cries in the night, cultivating a standard of living that requires too much…too much of yourself in every area as you feel compelled to post the perfect picture for the approval of man. Do we really need all this when we have the Creator of the universe who gave His Son to ransom you because He loves you? Is there anything more glorious than this? Why do we desire the approval of man when we have God’s unconditional love?
Stop reading this and do this one thing. Go to the Lord in prayer. Pray about prioritizing your TIME. Tell Him how intentional you want to be about reading His Word and praying. And if you don’t feel that these are your priorities right now, do you desire them to be? Then, ask Him to give you those desires. He most certainly will answer that prayer. Honesty with the Lord is a great place to begin. (He knows anyhow.)
We live in a world that is highly visual. We are led to believe that what we see, feel, and touch is of importance. But in God’s economy, the unseen is of the utmost importance. Our relationship with Jesus is more important than our activity for Him. Together, let’s be ultra intentional about prioritizing our Bible reading and prayer time. I need a fresh, new start this school year as well, so let’s join our hearts and minds and focus on the more important task – that of sitting at the feet of Jesus like Mary did. I’m in, are you?