Notes from Boyd Bailey’s Talk for RDS Dads - PART 1

My next two M.M. are focusing on recapturing the content of Boyd’s talk with Dads. If your husband is not inclined to read the mentoring moment, perhaps you could forward it to him. Remember, this is coming from Boyd, a man who shared with compassion for Dads and wisdom from the Lord.

First things first: your marital relationship. In the season of raising little ones (infant to 5-year-olds), it is physically and emotionally exhausting for mothers. What are ways to love your wife well during this season?

  •  Ask her how you can help

  •  Listen to understand, with empathy

  •  Coordinate your calendars

  •  Budget for her needs

  •  Do carpool and/or be home by 5 pm or earlier. Being a Dad is hard…some dads stay at work   because it is easier…be brave men

  •  Be emotionally engaged

  •  Provide a safe environment for her to share - a small group, a couple or seek a counselor

Boyd admonished the men to live in the present. When we live in today, we trust God to show us the
way. How do you know if you are living in the present? Are you loving well? Our brand is love, Dads. Are you living on brand? Boyd says you are loving well when you are connected. Are you connected with God? Are you connected with your wife?

Connect with God: Living in the present is living in God’s presence. Psalm 16:11, “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” He is with you; His love is pursuing you! This is much more than moralistic living. It means to strongly desire God’s presence; to be energized by being connected to Him.

Three questions to ask your wife:
1. How did I make you feel loved last week?
2. How can I make you feel loved this week?
3. How can I pray for you?

Dads, your heavenly father smiles when He sees you are connected in love. Connected to Him;
connected to your wife; connected to your child and connected to other men.

Next week, I will share thoughts about child-rearing from Boyd. But first, I was impressed to share his marital advice because he says, “After Jesus, the best gift you can give your child is a healthy marriage.” So, first things first.

See you next week, Dads.


If you would like to reach out to Jeannie, you may email her at


Notes from Boyd Bailey’s Talk for RDS Dads on March 1, 2023  PART 2


The Gospel Woven Through a Beautiful Story